MSCHF Man Command Documentation:

General Commands:

Setting the Prefix:

Administrative Commands:

Loading, Reloading, and Unloading Cogs:

Ticket System:

The ticket system is specifically made for individual rooms, intended for settling moderation disputes out of the public eye, there is also nothing stopping you from holding private interrogation sessions. Ticket commands are limited to users with the Manage Channels Permission. Tickets are viewable by administrators and a “moderator” role by default. You’ll have to change the moderator_role variable in the cog if your moderator role isn’t named “Moderators”

moderator_role = get(guild.roles, name="Moderators")

(Default configuration of the moderator_role variable, on line 22 of

Zuckwatch Commands:

Zuckwatch is and was a core part of our server, and thus the bot needed to be able to test passwords from Discord. zuckpass {password} or zp {password} will use a headless Selenium script to automatically check the password through the actual website.